Biggby Coffee

BUSINESS: Biggby Coffee LOCATION: Grand River Avenue, East Lansing, Michigan USED TO BE AN: Arby’s CREATIVE INTERPRETATION: Because a good cup of coffee was an important element of the pioneer days. PHOTO: Suzanne Schimanski-Gross

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Zap of Fresno

BUSINESS: Zap of Fresno LOCATION: Mackenzie & Abby, Fresno, California USED TO BE AN: Arby’s CREATIVE INTERPRETATION: “Hello? Is this Zap of Fresno? Do you have anything fuel-efficient in a covered wagon right now?” PHOTO: Daniel F.

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Athens Pizza

BUSINESS: Athens Pizza LOCATION: Clairmont Road, Decatur, Georgia USED TO BE AN: Arby’s CREATIVE INTERPRETATION: I think it woulda looked more Greek if they’da left the ten-gallon hat. PHOTO: Greg Germani at Atlanta Time Machine

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