Baskin Robbins

BUSINESS: Baskin Robbins LOCATION: Airport Highway, Toledo, Ohio USED TO BE A: White Castle CREATIVE INTERPRETATION: This is certainly one of the most, um, regal Baskin Robbins stores around! PHOTO: Liz Clayton

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The Castle Jeweler

BUSINESS: The Castle Jeweler (and Castle Accordion Store!) LOCATION: 33rd and Lyndale, Minneapolis, Minnesota USED TO BE A: White Castle CREATIVE INTERPRETATION: This is not a bad conversion but rather a totally bizarre conversion. The Castle Jeweler pays homage to the slider

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Veggie Castle

BUSINESS: Veggie Castle LOCATION: Church Avenue at Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, New York USED TO BE A: White Castle CREATIVE INTERPRETATION: An impressive conversion from one kind of restaurant to its culinary antithesis. PHOTO: Mike Epstein

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